
Tuition & Fees

New Jerusalem Academy is happy to be able to offer income-based tuition. Tuition discounts are made possible by our generous donors. Allowing as many students as possible the opportunity to attend NJA while maintaining enough revenue to provide a high-quality education is a primary mission of the school.

We offer two payment plans:

  • Full Tuition Payment
  • 60/40 Payment Plan

The payment plans apply to both full tuition and income-based tuition.


Full Tuition Payment  

K - 3rd Grade


4 - 8th Grade



Enrollment Fee:

Per student upon application or re-enrollment (non-refundable)



Full payment is due July 1 if starting fall semester and due Dec 1 if starting spring semester.


60/40 Payment Plan


Grade level

Full tuition

60 %

July 1

40 %

Dec 1

Total Fees*

Total Tuition & Fees July 1

Total Tuition & Fees Dec 1
















60/40 Tuition Payment: 60% of tuition is due July 1 and 40% of tuition is due December 1.

If starting mid-year, the price of tuition is prorated and discounted proportionately based on the number of school days remaining in the school year.


Income-based Tuition


These prices are made possible due to our generous donors. Please consider donating to help a family provide their son or daughter with an opportunity to attend NJA. Click below to donate.


Please contact the school admissions department to see if you qualify for income-based tuition.

Students on Income-based tuition can choose between the Full Payment Plan or the 60/40 Payment Plan and pay the same $75 registration fee.

The number of Income-based tuition students is limited both in the total number of students as well as the number of students at each family income level. The number of Income-based students can fluctuate greatly from year-to-year based on annual donations, variations in the total number of students attending and variable costs of the organization.

*Income-based family income levels are determined each year based on annual income eligibility guidelines provided by the federal government and applied by the state of Missouri’s MOScholars program.


Rolling Admissions and Late Enrollment


New Jerusalem Academy offers rolling admissions and late enrollment. If late enrollment occurs after the start of the school year, tuition amounts will be prorated based on the number of days remaining in the school year.

For late enrollment students, the 60/40 Payment Plan is only available if the student enrolls prior to December 1st with 60% of the prorated tuition due upon enrollment and the remaining 40% due December 1st. For students enrolling after December 1st, the full prorated tuition amount is due upon enrollment.