Kindergarten FAQs

5- Year Old Kindergarten


Is your child ready for school? Our 5-year old Kindergarten program will consist of: Language Arts, Science, Arithmetic, Social Studies, Scripture, and Electives.


Prior to entering kindergarten, your child should be observed closely with the following thoughts in mind. Some signs of developmental readiness are:

·         Being comfortable away from parents for several hours

·         Having the ability to express ideas and feelings to adults other than parents

·         Taking care of toileting needs independently

·         Hanging up sweaters, jackets, hats without help

·         Naming most of the parts of the body

·         Being able to retell familiar stories, nursery rhymes, or songs

·         Entering a new activity without fear

·         Accepting minor disappointments or limits without tears

·         Listening to and following directions

·         Finding ways to resolve conflicts with peers independently

·         Being able to work independently without constant adult supervision

·         Joining with a group of other children in listening to a short story

·         Stating their own full name and age to the teacher

·         Making simple decisions given a few choices of play activities

·         Taking care of personal belongings

·         Using a pencil or crayon with a relaxed and controlled grasp

·         Repeating a series of four numbers without practice

·         Identifying the primary colors

·         Drawing simple recognizable drawings